to wash my face, get a towel , warm the kettle,

to wash my face, get a towel , warm the kettle,

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The prevention of pinkeye disease is the same as the prevention of other infectious diseases, we must grasp the three links of eliminating the source of infection, cutting off the route of transmission and improving physical resistance. Actively treat patients with pinkeye disease and isolate them properly. During the treatment of pinkeye, try to avoid contact with patients and their used items, such as face washing towels, washbasins and so on. Try not to go to public places (eg swimming pools, theatres, shops, etc.). Attention should be paid to disinfection and isolation (boiling disinfection) to personal belongings (such as towels, handkerchiefs, etc.) or public goods such as kindergartens, schools, barbershops, bathrooms, etc. Individuals should be careful not to rub their eyes with dirty hands, cut their nails frequently, and wash their hands before and after meals. Should open the affected eyes, can not cover the affected eyes, because after covering the affected eyes, eye secretions can not be discharged, while increasing the local temperature and humidity of the eyes, which is conducive to the reproduction of bacteria or viruses and aggravate the disease.

to wash my face, get a towel , warm the kettle,

Preparation: after going to work, employees should take off the accessories on their hands, change their overalls, and check the grooming instruments (nails, hair, accessories); clean and disinfect their hands before operation (such as seven-step washing techniques); open doors and windows for ventilation, turn on the hot water equipment, and keep the room temperature of the service place at the specified temperature. Prepare swimming supplies (parents can bring their own towels, swimming rings, disposable swimming film, gauze, touch oil, bath lotion, etc.); open cleaning cabinets, disinfect towels, gauze, spread disposable swimming film, release water, adjust water temperature, adjust the room temperature of swimming area; select appropriate swimming rings and disinfect them with alcohol cotton; check whether the prepared special items are complete.

To know to measure the service level and professional level of a beauty salon, so steam disinfection is only applicable to towels; although cotton towels can be disinfected with Xiaoxiling to make them meet the harmless requirements, beauticians should do a good job of steam disinfection of towels.

First of all, the carton is used to collect bits and pieces from different areas. be sure to mark what is in the box before sealing it, otherwise when twenty large boxes are piled in front of you, you will collapse if you want to find a towel from it.

A: mask, prepare two sets of clothes (must have long sleeves), change close-fitting clothes, bring personal toiletries (toothpaste, toothcup, toothbrush, shampoo, body wash, towels, toilet paper) and slippers, wear sneakers or shoes that are convenient for exercise, so as not to hurt your ankles. Parents who need sunscreen should prepare sunscreen for their children.

to wash my face, get a towel , warm the kettle,

When the baby has a nosebleed, we can use towels or clean paper towels to press one side of the nosebleed with our fingers for about 10 minutes, which is a good way to stop the bleeding.

The protagonist of the video is me. My parents appeared in our new home in 2006. The main content is that when I was seven years old, I went to wash my face, get a towel, warm the kettle, and pour boiling water. Halfway to ask my mother what, the whole process I do not know why, looking very distressed, the bottom of the heart of sadness suddenly rose. Although there are some shadows of happiness, but every look in the eyes of the camera, combined with my growing experience, I can not feel the inner happiness of the child. I have been thinking about a problem, and then I came to the conclusion that a child should not be too sensible when he was a child. This tmd is really not selfish and should not kidnap him in such a moral name!

Second, in accordance with the provisions of the disinfection system, conscientiously do a good job in the disinfection of water cups, towels, bowls and chopsticks, and conscientiously do a good job in disinfection of water cup racks and pre-meal tables. Flush the toilet regularly every day to make sure that there is no dirt in the toilet trough and that the toilet is clean and odorless.