windward pipes should be set up sunshade . Rainstorm, rain and

windward pipes should be set up sunshade . Rainstorm, rain and

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Through E-Legend, Peugeot has created a vehicle that evokes the nostalgia of French cars and looks like it comes from the future. For example, the broken blue velvet interior looks a lot like Elvis Presley. At the same time, it shakes 16 screens on doors, sunshades and floors, and the wooden steering wheel shrinks back into the dashboard, so you can let it drive or control itself. What you want to do most is the latter, because a 456 horsepower electric motor can push it to 62 mph in four seconds and then drive 373 miles between charges.

Although the solar greenhouse has a very good thermal insulation performance, but from the point of view of safety, heating equipment is still an important factor. The southern part of our country generally does not need to heat up, but if we encounter bad weather continuously, we still need to use the energy stored in the greenhouse itself, otherwise it will not be able to meet the growth of vegetables. Therefore, whether in the south or north, heating equipment has always been a necessary protective measure. The technical aspect requires that in the equipment configuration of solar greenhouse, the configuration of thermal insulation equipment should be demonstrated in great detail. Of course, the work of Kaifeng glass greenhouse requires the cooperation of a variety of equipment, with higher and higher temperature requirements, especially in autumn and winter production, external sunshade system, internal thermal insulation system and window opener and fan, wet curtain and other equipment need to be applied. For more information about the construction of Kaifeng glass greenhouse, please contact Minghao greenhouse Engineering Construction Company directly.

Winter tea is dormant, generally low temperature overcast and rain has a limited impact on tea, but if it encounters wind and freezing or extreme low temperature, it will affect tea tree winter and spring tea production in the coming year. One is to cover and keep warm. Can be in the cold air before the tea cover surface covered with rice (miscellaneous) grass, sunshade net and so on. The second is to build barriers and guard against the wind. For the land easily affected by wind freezing, sunshade nets and other materials should be used in advance to establish wind barriers in the windward, which is higher than the 20cm of tea canopy and tilted to the direction of tea trees. The third is to restore the tree situation in time. For the heavily frozen tea garden, it is appropriate to make trees after the beginning of spring, rather than deep pruning and pruning, and strengthen the management of spring tea fertility.

windward pipes should be set up sunshade . Rainstorm, rain and

KXT single ball rubber joint is a kind of joint product connected by pipe or equipment, which mainly plays the role of shock and noise reduction of pipeline or equipment, protects the normal operation of Guomao of pipeline or equipment, and improves the service life of equipment or pipeline. The use or storage of KXT single ball rubber joints should avoid high temperature, ozone oil and acid-base environment. Sunny outdoor or windward pipes should be set up sunshade. Rainstorm, rain and wind turbidity are strictly prohibited. It is forbidden to brush paint or wrap thermal insulation materials on the surface of the joint.

Sunlight can be blocked by sunshade and ultraviolet rays can be isolated by instrument wax, but the temperature inside the car can be very high in summer. How to cool the dashboard? We can do it the old way. Put a wet towel on the dashboard, often keep the towel hydrated, and take away the heat from the dashboard through water evaporation, so you can simply cool the dashboard.

As for the temperature inside the car, the Japanese Automotive Union JAF has also done relevant tests before, and found that the same car was found to be black and white respectively, and exposed to the sun for four hours with closed windows and no sunshade curtains, sampling temperature changes in the room, above the dashboard and on the roof respectively.

windward pipes should be set up sunshade . Rainstorm, rain and

For people in the city, picnics in the suburbs are the purest taste of spring. In Haikou, it is not difficult to find a grass under the coconut grove. When it comes to picnics, the first thing that comes to mind is the Ten Thousand Green Garden, where there is open grass and coconut trees around for sunshade, which is hardly perfect.

Three major cooling measures for greenhouse. If winter is over, can summer be far behind? With the increase of summer temperature, how to cool the greenhouse properly has become an important work of daily management. Below, the editor of Tengchong greenhouse will introduce the following six cooling measures. First, external sunshade system. In order to minimize heating costs and improve efficiency, how to enhance the heat preservation capacity of Baoshan greenhouse and reduce heat loss has become a concern of many greenhouse users. Is to cover the excess sunlight outside the greenhouse to form a shade to protect the crops in the greenhouse, so that the temperature in the greenhouse is kept at a suitable temperature. This can effectively block direct sunlight crops without affecting the natural ventilation in the greenhouse, and the cooling effect is better than that of internal shading, but external shading materials are required to be sturdy, durable, flexible and anti-aging

More orange decorations are found on seat belts and sunshades, not to mention the steering wheel and center console. The dash becomes a little different-wood. Instead of using wooden decals, you decorate the entire width of the dashboard with a legal plank. It is at least a lighter wood hue and actually matches the orange trim in the car, but it still manages to stand out among the already excellent interiors. Dear readers, we will let you decide whether this is a good thing or a bad thing.

windward pipes should be set up sunshade . Rainstorm, rain and