It is judged that the Yellow scarf Rebellion broke out

It is judged that the Yellow scarf Rebellion broke out

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Bags and shoes are black. Because the whole body is a large clean color, so a large scarf of the same color to enhance visual richness, but also immediately make people look elegant and smart.

It is judged that the Yellow scarf Rebellion broke out

Of course, most girls want to show flesh this summer, this leggings can easily hide the meat, a trench coat + wide-legged pants is very gentle and temperamental! And round collar is also an advantage, thin, loose hem to cover a small piece of good-bye meat, summer leggings with air-conditioning scarf or silk scarf easily show temperament! With a variety of boots and bags, summer is also beautiful.

In 2009, the affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University in Guangzhou welcomed a special patient who covered his head with a red towel, but frightened the doctor when he lifted his headscarf.

Silk scarf decorated bags can be used not only in daily clothing, but also in commuting wear. Soft and elegant silk scarves can easily break the dull feeling of wearing in the workplace and rejuvenate the styling. After reading the above attractive scarf fastening methods, which one do you like best?

It is judged that the Yellow scarf Rebellion broke out

For example, light smoke pink sweater, with cherry pink pipe pants, plus “peach pollen” long scarf, a different pink mix, the color from light to deep, simple and not rigid, full of gentle and romantic atmosphere. Brown word with high heels and bag, a little dark color pressure matrix, the whole is very elegant and elegant.